What are EZI Move Crates?

man side

Ezi Move Crates are GREEN RECYCLED PLASTIC moving boxes with these features:

Lockable Lids Added Security
Time Saving – No assembly
Convenient – No Packing tape
Eco-friendly – Hygienic and reusable
Handles for Easy lifting – Saves your back

The best thing about these recyclable plastic boxes is when you are finished we come and collect them so they can be eco-cleaned and re-used.


Like most other people, we have moved home and office on numerous occasions throughout the years.We have purchased cardboard boxes for this purpose and after taking time and effort to assemble them and using masking tape to hold them together, having to man handle them without handles and then having to get rid of them..... they were no longer usable. What remained of the boxes ended up as landfill!

We then found that as cardboard breaks down, it contributes to leachate that contaminates groundwater and generates methane, the potent greenhouse gas!

We knew there had to be a better way!

Plastic pollution is also a huge problem in our wasteful society and this is becoming more and more apparent in our rivers and oceans. Woolworths and Coles and all forms of our Government are now banning lightweight SINGLE-USE plastic bags. This has now become common and acceptable practise not only in Australia but throughout the world. 

We believe we must recycle and reuse plastic in our everyday living and the use of plastic moving crates when moving home or office or for storage is now a world wide trend!

Every little bit that we can do contributes to keeping our planet healthy and beautiful!

Ezi Move Crates supports EcoUs who promotes and distributes only eco friendly and sustainable products and AMCS ( Australian Marine Conservation Society).


Ezi Move Crates (Aust) recyclable moving crates may not be the final solution to the problem,but it is a step in the right direction towards eliminating single use plastic and single use cardboard. They save waste being disposed of every time they are used..... making for a cleaner and greener planet!

They also happen to make moving home, moving office and storing valuables and belongings a little bit more EZI!